Disciplinary Code

The reputation of the club and its members both on and off-the-field is important. In an attempt to better control events which may damage that reputation, the committee requests that team captains report all events likely to adversely effect the reputation of the club. All yellow and red cards must be reported. Any other events are reportable at the captain’s discretion.
Team captains have a supply of forms that should be completed by them or a nominated deputy immediately after the game. The form is to be returned to the club secretary as soon as possible for discussion at the next committee meeting. In unusual circumstances, forms can be completed by any member if the situation merits such actions. Wherever possible, the offender should be made aware that a report is going to be submitted and that the report is agreed upon by the offending person. If an agreement cannot be reached, both the captain and the offender should submit reports. On review, the committee will decide what, if any, course of action is required.
The captain is also responsible for any ‘home’ spectators, which are also covered by this procedure. If the person(s) concerned is a guest, they may be similarly dealt with. As a guideline, it is likely that three yellow cards in a season will lead to some form of censure from the committee. For continual/repeated offences, the committee will consider further punitive action.
The disciplinary committee will consist of the Club Chairman, Vice-Chair (Ladies), Vice-Chair (Men) and Men’s Team Secretary.