Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
England Hockey’s Equality Policy – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
England Hockey is committed to ensuring everyone within the hockey family, irrespective of their age, gender, race, religion or belief, ethnic origin, colour nationality, social status or sexual orientation, have an equal opportunity to participate in hockey at all levels and in all roles.
England Hockey’s Equality Policy is aimed at all those actively involved in any aspect of hockey activities, whether that be as an employee, volunteer, member or participant.
Other policies include:
England Hockey – Policy & procedures for trans or transgender hockey players (July 2017)
England Hockey – Policy on playing hockey when pregnant (June 2014)
UK Equality Standard
The UK Equality Standard is a framework assisting sports organisations to widen access and reduce inequalities within sport from under represented individuals, groups and communities. England Hockey achieved the Intermediate level in April 2015 and are continuing to integrate inclusion and diversity throughout the organisation.
Sports Charter
In March 2011 the government, together with major sporting bodies, launched a charter calling for anyone with an interest or involvement in sport to unite to tackle homophobia and transphobia in sport and aim to make sport a welcoming environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB+T) people. England Hockey proudly supports this charter, which can be found here.
Flyerz Hockey
The number of disabled people who take part in sport has grown significantly and England Hockey are committed to providing hockey playing opportunities with an emphasis on inclusion and participation. Flyerz hockey has become a really positive term for disability hockey in England.
If any member of Holcombe Hockey Club has any questions or concerns on the above please contact Emma on welfare@holcombehc.org.uk to discuss further.